I’m an artist – how can I become part of the exhibition program?

Our exhibitions are curated by a committee of experts to guarantee a high-quality standard. Send your exhibition proposal, CV, social media links, and your portfolio (pdf) to moa.wien@gmail.com (subject: exhibition) or use the application form, and our team will review it for the upcoming exhibition cycle.

I’m an artist – how can I be represented on the Ministry homepage?

Our homepage is curated by a committee of experts to guarantee a high-quality standard. Become a member, become active, connect with us and send your CV, social media links, and your portfolio (pdf) to moa.wien@gmail.com (subject: homepage), or use the application form.

How much commitment or time should an artist devote to this project?

Not only the artists but also our audience is invited to engage and actively participate. There are no obligations or regulations, but of course, we all get more out of developing strength and a loud voice together. Different people have different strengths that help the network to grow and flourish.

I’m curious but have no experience in the art world…

Please don’t be shy and come to the Ministry. MoA creates a space to celebrate the beauty of art in a cosy, intimate, serious but lighthearted atmosphere. Art is for everyone and can also be enjoyed without knowledge…

Is the selection of the committee based on knock-out criteria (e.g. no autodidacts, or if no academic degree then other criteria)?

We aim to present a high artistic standard- the only criterion for exclusion is a lack of qualitative level.

A “Ministry of Artists” together with the symbol of a fist sounds politically motivated, is there an orientation that one should know about or that becomes visible later?

We have chosen the raised fist as the logo for the artists for its original symbolism – solidarity. Our network is at best sociopolitically shaped by our commitment to more solidarity, inclusion, diversity, equality, fair pay for artists and cultural workers. Our central logo shows two peacefully interwoven elements.